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Make an Online CV In English

Saturday, December 12, 2009

The ability to speak English well and to use computers are definitely both big advantages when applying for a job, so why not highlight those advantages by creating an online English CV that allows you to show off your portfolio of English and ICT skills.






You can do this using a free website called Visual CV. Creating your online CV is also a good way to practice your English and think about the things that you would want to tell a potential employer.

  • So the first thing you need to do is got to the website, take a look at the tour and then register for a free account.

  • Once you have done this you can start to fill out information about yourself, add images, documents and videos.
  • You can create a private CV that only specific people access, or you can have a public one that you can share thorugh social networks.
  • You can choose the types of information your CV includes

When you create your public CV be sure not to include your home address or telephone number. Only give this information to potential employers.
Happy job hunting!


You see the world as you are

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Four Methods to Understand the World

Empat Metoda untuk Memahami Dunia

The proper understanding of the world is extremely important for all of us. All our frustrations, angers and happiness depend on our proper understanding of the world. If we know the world and its people, there is no doubt that we can live a very happy and enjoyable life. Yet understanding the world is most complex in this world. Even geniuses like Einstein admitted "I know little about nature and hardly anything about men."

Pemahaman wajar dunia adalah sangat penting untuk kita semua. Semua frustasi kita, kemarahan-kemarahan dan kebahagiaan bergantung pada pemahaman wajar kita dunia. Jika kita mengenal dunia dan nya orang-orang, tidak ada keraguan bahwa kita dapat tinggal(hidup suatu hidup sangat menyenangkan dan berbahagia. Namun mengerti dunia itu adalah paling kompleks di dalam dunia ini. Bahkan genius-genius seperti Einstein mengakui "Aku mengenal kecil tentang sifat dan dengan susah segalanya tentang orang."

While it is so difficult to understand the world that even Einstein could not grasp it, yet it is so very simple that even an illiterate person can understand the world even without reading a single book. The mystery of this knowledge is as big as the universe yet as small as spark of soul?

Ketika sangat sulit untuk memahami dunia sehingga bahkan Einstein tidak bisa memahami nya, walaupun demikian ia adalah sangat sangat sederhana sehingga bahkan satu orang orang buta huruf dapat memahami dunia bahkan tanpa membaca suatu buku. Misteri dari pengetahuan adalah ini sebesar alam semesta namun sekecil percikan dari jiwa?

Often people fail to understand the world because they do not follow the "right" method to understand the world. They simply follow the methods adopted by other "knowledgeable and wise" people and fail in the process because there is not one way to know the world but four methods to know the world. Every one must choose the right method of knowing the world based on their nature instead of copying other's method.

Sering kali kegagalan orang-orang untuk memahami dunia karena mereka tidak mengikuti "yang benar" metoda untuk memahami dunia. Mereka hanya mengikuti metoda-metoda yang diadopsi oleh yang lain "bijaksana dan yang banyak mengetahui" orang-orang dan kegagalan di dalam proses karena ada tidak satu arah untuk mengenal dunia tetapi empat metoda untuk mengenal dunia. Semuanya harus memilih metoda yang benar mengetahui dunia berdasar pada sifat mereka daripada mengcopy yang lain's metoda.

The Beauty of the Universal Laws of Nature

Kecantikan dari Hukum Yang Universal dari Sifat

The world is not really as complex as it seems since the entire universe is government by some basic laws. What is valid in one area of knowledge is also valid in another area of knowledge.

Dunia itu tidak benar-benar serumit itu kelihatannya karena seluruh alam semesta adalah pemerintah oleh beberapa hukum yang dasar. Apa yang valid dalam satu bidang dari pengetahuan adalah juga valid di dalam bidang lain pengetahuan.

In the ancient philosophy of Gita, there are four paths prescribed to achieve salvation. These four paths are path of knowledge (Gyanyoga), path of action (Karmayoga), path of devotion (Bhaktiyoga) and path of self-realization (Dhyanayoga). These four paths have been prescribed since human beings are born with different nature and same path is not suitable for everyone. Unless one follows the "right" path that is in harmony of his basic nature, he can't hope to go long in understand the world or achieving salvation in his life.

Di dalam filsafat yang masa lampau dari Gita, ada empat jalan yang ditentukan untuk mencapai keselamatan. Empat jalan-jalan ini adalah jalan dari pengetahuan (Gyanyoga), jalan tindakan (Karmayoga), jalan pengabdian (Bhaktiyoga) dan jalan kesadaran diri sendiri (Dhyanayoga). Empat jalan-jalan ini telah ditentukan sejak manusia adalah sifat pembawaan sejak lahir yang berbeda dan jalan sama bukanlah pantas untuk setiap orang. Kecuali jika nya mengikuti "yang benar" jalan yang di dalam keselarasan dari sifat dasar nya, ia tidak bisa berharap pergi merindukan di dalam memahami dunia atau meraih keselamatan di dalam hidupnya.

It would be interesting to see how the same principles can be applied in any area of human life including the acquisition of knowledge. We can discover four methods to know the world using this fundamental principle of Gita. The right method for a person depends on the nature of the individual.

Ia akan menjadi menarik untuk melihat bagaimana prinsip-prinsip yang sama dapat diterapkan di dalam setiap bidang dari hidup manusia yang termasuk pengadaan pengetahuan. Kita dapat menemukan empat metoda untuk mengenal dunia menggunakan prinsip pokok dari ini Gita. Metoda yang benar untuk seseorang bergantung pada sifat alami setiap.

Study: The Path of Knowledge

Studi: Jalan dari Pengetahuan

The most common path of knowing the world is by studying the existing knowledge of the world. There is no need to reinvent the wheel every time. Study is such a polpular method to know the world that people often thinks that it is the only path to understand the world. A child from his young days is trained to learn by studying the different subjects like science, history, medicine, psychology, literature etc. Study is an art of understanding from someone else's experience rather than by one's own experience. With knowledge one can make the mental model of the self and the world and develop the proper understanding of the world.

Jalan yang paling umum mengetahui dunia itu adalah dengan mempelajari pengetahuan yang ada dunia. Tidak usah menemukan kembali roda?kemudi setiap kali. Studi adalah metoda polpular seperti itu untuk mengenal dunia bahwa orang-orang sering kali berpikir bahwa adalah hanya jalan untuk memahami dunia. Seorang anak dari hari-hari muda nya dilatih;terlatih untuk mempelajari dengan mempelajari hal-hal yang berbeda seperti ilmu pengetahuan, sejarah, pengobatan, psikologi, literatur dll. Studi adalah satu seni tentang pemahaman dari pengalaman milik orang lain ketimbang oleh pengalaman kepunyaan nya. Dengan pengetahuan seseorang dapat membuat model mental dari diri sendiri dan dunia dan mengembangkan pemahaman wajar dunia.

However, leaning by studying is not everyone's cup of tea. Only if you are intelligent and hardworking and you have proper resources like access to good education, schools and teachers, you can hope to learn the world by studying. However, often people learn without understanding the fundamentals. The result is that soon they forget what they have learned. Even those who remember the studied knowledge often fail to apply it properly as they fail to understand the fundamentals and they tend to apply the right principles at the wrong place.

Namun, menyandarkan dengan belajar bukanlah kesanggupan untuk dilakukan setiap orang. Hanya jika anda bersifat cerdas dan hardworking dan anda mempunyai sumber daya yang tepat seperti akses kepada pendidikan yang baik, sekolah-sekolah dan para guru, anda dapat berharap untuk mempelajari dunia dengan belajar. Namun, sering kali orang-orang mempelajari tanpa pemahaman asas-asas. Hasil adalah bahwa/karena segera mereka melupakan apa yang mereka sudah pelajari. Bahkan mereka yang mengingat pengetahuan yang dipelajari sering kali kegagalan untuk menerapkan nya dengan baik ketika mereka gagal untuk memahami asas-asas dan mereka cenderung untuk menerapkan prinsip-prinsip yang benar di tempat yang salah.

Experiment: The Path of Action

Eksperimen: Jalan Tindakan

The test of any learned knowledge is it right application. A learned knowledge is like a formula which if applied wrongly can not give the correct result. Even the soundest of theories have no meaning unless they produce the desired results. Roger Bacon, the English philosopher, scientist rightly stated,

Ujian tentang segala pengetahuan yang [dipelajari/terpelajar] apakah (itu) aplikasi benar. Pengetahuan terpelajar seperti suatu rumusan yang jika yang diterapkan keliru/salah tidak bisa memberi hasil yang benar. Bahkan paling bunyi dari teori-teori tidak memiliki maksud(arti kecuali jika mereka menghasilkan hasil-hasil yang diinginkan. Jadilah Lemak babi, Orang-Orang Inggris ahli filsafat, ilmuwan sudah pada tempatnya menyatakan,

"The strongest arguments prove nothing so long as the conclusions are not verified by experience. Experimental science is the queen of sciences and the goal of all speculation."

"- Argumentasi-argumentasi yang paling kuat membuktikan (bahwa) tidak ada hal (yang) asalkan kesimpulan-kesimpulan itu tidak dibuktikan oleh pengalaman. Ilmu pengetahuan bersifat percobaan adalah ratu dari ilmu pengetahuan dan tujuan dari semua spekulasi."

Experiment is therefore, the most important way for the effective learning. However, the necessity ingredient of learning by experiment is courage and diligence. One must be willing to fail and face the humiliation of failure if one wishes to follow the path of action. Thomas Edison failed ten thousands time before he could make his first electric bulb. Gandhi was humiliated and jailed numerous times, before his experiments of nonviolence were accepted by the world.

Eksperimen kemudian, cara yang paling penting untuk pelajaran yang efektif. Namun, unsur keperluan terpelajar oleh eksperimen adalah keberanian dan kerajinan. Satu harus berkeinginan gagal dan menghadapi penghinaan kegagalan jika berbagai keinginan nya untuk mengikuti jalan tindakan. Thomas Edison gagal (dalam) sepuluh ribuan waktu sebelum ia bisa membuat bohlam/gelembung elektris pertama nya. Gandhi dihina dan dipenjarakan banyak waktu, sebelum eksperimen-eksperimen dari nya tanpa kekerasan diterima oleh dunia.

The most beautiful thing in following the path of action is that every time you experiment, you learn something. Prof. Anon said,

Hal yang paling indah di dalam mengikuti jalan tindakan adalah bahwa/karena setiap kali anda eksperimen, anda mempelajari sesuatu. Guru besar. Segera berkata,

"Every experiment proves something. If it doesn't prove what you wanted it to prove, it proves something else."

"- Setiap eksperimen membuktikan sesuatu. Jika itu tidak membuktikan apa yang Anda ingin nya untuk membuktikan itu membuktikan hal lain."

Therefore, Thomas Edison, in the attempt to learn making electric bulb did not failed 10000 times but learned 99999 methods as to how the electric bulb could not be made. Once, Einstein was doing research on the development of a theory for many years. After many years of research he learned that his theory was wrong. He was disappointed, but he sent his research paper for publication. He was asked as to why he wanted to publish a paper on a failed theory. He replied that he wanted to get the paper published so that others do not waste their time on a similar research.

Oleh karena itu, Thomas Edison, di dalam usaha itu untuk mempelajari membuat bohlam/gelembung elektris tidak 10000 kali gagal tetapi belajar 99999 metoda seperti bagaimana bohlam/gelembung yang elektris tidak bisa dibuat. Begitu, Einstein sedang lakukan riset di pengembangan dari suatu teori selama bertahun-tahun. Setelah banyak tahun dari riset ia belajar bahwa teori nya yang salah. Ia dikecewakan, tetapi ia mengutus kertas riset nya untuk penerbitan. Ia diminta(ditanya seperti mengapa ia ingin menerbitkan suatu kertas di suatu teori yang digagalkan. Ia menjawab bahwa ia ingin mendapat kertas menerbitkan sehingga yang lain tidak menyia-nyiakan waktu mereka di suatu riset yang serupa.

Attention: The Path of Self-Realization

Perhatian: Jalan Kesadaran diri sendiri

What if we are neither very intelligent nor very courageous in accepting defeat or facing humiliation, what is the next option? After all, intelligence and courage are the natural gifts to the people and it is extremely difficult to cultivate these gifts beyond a point.

Bagaimana jika kita bukan sangat yang cerdas maupun sangat berani di dalam menerima kekalahan atau menghadapi penghinaan, apa yang merupakan opsi yang berikutnya? Bagaimana pun, kecerdasan(inteligen dan keberanian adalah karunia-karunia yang alami(wajar kepada orang-orang dan itu adalah sangat sulit untuk menanami karunia-karunia ini di luar suatu titik.

Fortunately, all of us are blessed by nature to have a self-learning mechanism even by observation provided we pay close attention to the events around us and desire to learn from it. There is no way one can close the mind from thinking. Mind is always working in analyzing the events around us to make us understand the world. People automatically learn from their events of life. Thus it is common to become wise with age.

Untunglah, kita semua diberkati secara alami untuk memiliki suatu mekanisme pelajaran diri sendiri bahkan oleh pengamatan menyediakan kita perhatikan dengan seksama kepada kejadian di sekitar kita dan keinginan kepada belajarlah dari hal tersebut. Sama sekali tidak mungkin seseorang dapat menutup pikiran dari pemikiran. Pikiran adalah selalu bekerja di dalam meneliti kejadian di sekitar kita untuk membuat kita memahami dunia. Orang-orang secara otomatis tahu dari kejadian tentang mereka hidup. Jadi; Dengan demikian itu adalah umum untuk menjadi bijaksana dengan usia.

Yet the wisdom acquired due to old age does not have much utility since by that age the physical and metal capabilities of the person deteriorate. However, one can expedite the learning by observation by paying close attention to the events and by developing a deep desire for the right answers to emerge from within. This is the method of great saints, prophets and scientist. They all acquired knowledge by self-realization. Einstein wrote three noble winning level papers i.e. on Brownian motion, photoelectric effect (which fetched him the Noble) and Theory for relativity when he was only twenty five. Jesus was only 28 when he received the divine revelation. Prophet Mohammad and Buddha too acquired the knowledge of the world by the age of forty.

Namun hikmat memperoleh karena umur tinggi tidak mempunyai banyak kegunaan karena oleh usia itu, kemampuan metal dan secara fisik dari orang memburuk. Namun, seseorang dapat mempercepat pelajaran oleh pengamatan dengan perhatian teliti pembayaran kepada kejadian dan dengan mengembangkan suatu keinginan yang men[dalam untuk hak jawaban atas muncul dari dalam. Ini adalah metoda dari orang-orang kudus yang besar, para nabi dan ilmuwan. Mereka semua memperoleh pengetahuan oleh kesadaran diri sendiri. Einstein menulis tiga pemenang yang mulia mengukur dokumen yaitu. di Gerak Brownan, efek fotoelektrik (yang mengambil dia Nobel) dan Theory untuk relatifitas ketika ia hanya dua puluh lima. Yesus hanya 28 ketika ia menerima wahyu yang ilahi. Nabi Mohammad dan Buddha juga perolehan pengetahuan dunia oleh usia lebih dari empat puluh.

The people who are most suitable for self-realization are those who are introvert and altruistic. If you love peace of life and happy being yourself, this is the right path for you.

Orang-orang yang adalah kebanyakan pantas untuk kesadaran diri sendiri adalah mereka yang seorang introvert dan rendah hati. Jika anda mengasihi damai sejahtera tentang hidup dan berbahagia selagi diri sendiri, ini adalah jalan yang benar untuk anda.

Art: The Path of Love

Seni: Jalan Dari Cinta

If you have the compassion for the people and love flows automatically from you, then it is most easy to understand the art of life by love. An artist knows the world better than any other person. The only difficulty is that he can't express this knowledge in worlds in a logical manner like a scientist or philosopher. He often uses symbols and creative imagination for expression his understanding of the world in the form of art, literature, music, poems and fiction. The art however, directly hit the heart of the people and transform the soul.

Jika anda mempunyai rasa kasihan untuk orang-orang dan kasih mengalirkan secara otomatis dari anda, lalu itu adalah kebanyakan mudah untuk memahami seni tentang hidup oleh kasih. Satu seniman mengenal dunia lebih baik daripada orang lain manapun. Satu-satunya kesukaran adalah bahwa/karena ia tidak bisa menyatakan pengetahuan ini di dalam dunia-dunia di suatu cara yang logis seperti seorang ilmuwan atau ahli filsafat. Ia sering kali menggunakan lambang dan imajinasi kreatif untuk pemahaman ungkapan nya dunia dalam wujud seni, literatur, musik, syair/puisi-syair/puisi dan fiksi. Seni namun, secara langsung kerugian inti orang-orang dan mengubah jiwa.

Yet how to love the world, when it is filled with all type of people? It is true that every one is not blessed with the heart of an artists or a lover. You see the world as you are. Hence unless you have love in you, you can't find the world worthy of love. Yet most of us do have the gift of love which we loose in the pursuits of worldly goals that are often achieved only by defeating a fellow human being.

Namun bagaimana caranya mencintai dunia, kapan itu dipenuhi dengan semua jenis orang? Adalah benar bahwa semuanya tidak diberkati inti satu seniman atau seorang pecinta. Bagaimana Anda melihat dunia maka itulah Anda. Karenanya kecuali jika anda mempunyai mengasihi pada anda, anda tidak bisa menemukan layaknya dunia dari kasih. Namun kebanyakan dari kita sungguh mempunyai karunia dari kasih yang kita melepaskan di dalam pengejaran-pengejaran dari sasaran yang duniawi yang sering dicapai hanya oleh kemenangan seorang manusia rekan.

Loving others is as simple, as loving one's child. There would be no person who does not love his own child. You love your child because you consider him or her as your own. Now imagine that without your knowledge your child is replaced by another child, you can be sure that your love would not diminish at all. Thus love is not as natural as we

Mengasihi yang lain adalah sesederhana mengasihi anak nya. Akan ada tanpa orang yang tidak mengasihi anak nya sendiri. Anda mengasihi anak anda karena anda mempertimbangkan; menganggap dia baik pria maupun wanita sebagai milik mu. Sekarang bayangkan tanpa pengetahuan anda, anak anda digantikan oleh anak yang lain, anda dapat pasti bahwa kasih anda tidak akan mengurangi sama sekali. Jadi; Dengan demikian kasih bukanlah sama alaminya seperti kita


Amazon Kindle 2

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

We’re excited to introduce Amazon Kindle 2, the next generation wireless reading device. With a sleek and thin design that makes Kindle 2 as thin as a typical magazine and lighter than a paperpack, the new Kindle has seven times more storage and now holds over 1,500 books. It has a longer battery life and faster page turns. An advanced display provides even crisper images and clearer text for an improved book-like reading experience. And Kindle 2 even reads to you, with “Read to Me”, our new Text to Speech feature.

With Kindle 2 we kept everything readers love about the original Kindle—the convenience of reading what you want, when you want it, the immediacy of getting a book wirelessly delivered in less than 60 seconds, and Kindle’s ability to “disappear” in your hands so you can get lost in the author’s words. We’re also excited to announce that the Kindle Store has over 230,000 ebooks available.


New Features & Enhancements

Slim & Lightweight: Just over 1/3 inch and 10.2 ounces

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Low Book Prices: New York Times Best Sellers and New Releases $9.99, unless marked otherwise


Mp3 Voice Colloquial English by Gareth King (11-15)

Friday, January 16, 2009

Colloquial English is the ultimate solution for the learner of the English Language, especially those who wish to perfect spoken English proficiency. The book presents numerous examples in addition to language points and idioms, all exploring the many rich ways the English language can be used to communicate fine shades of meaning. Finally, the Life and Living sections of the book take the learner through real life situations narrated in vivid vocabulary.

Probably the most important quality of Colloquial English is that, although basic knowledge of the language is assumed, it is very simplified and accessible to all learners - a crucial requirement for learning!

Mp3 Voice Colloquial English by Gareth King (11-15)


Mp3 Voice Colloquial English by Gareth King (6-10)

Friday, January 9, 2009

Colloquial English is the ultimate solution for the learner of the English Language, especially those who wish to perfect spoken English proficiency. The book presents numerous examples in addition to language points and idioms, all exploring the many rich ways the English language can be used to communicate fine shades of meaning. Finally, the Life and Living sections of the book take the learner through real life situations narrated in vivid vocabulary.

Probably the most important quality of Colloquial English is that, although basic knowledge of the language is assumed, it is very simplified and accessible to all learners - a crucial requirement for learning!

Mp3 Voice Colloquial English by Gareth King (6-10)


Learn More About Business

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Today's activity is a business listening one. For this activity we are going to use a website called Openforum which has lots of information about business and also lots of short video clips from very successful business people.

This site has a lot of other information on if you are interested in business and even has business discussion forums that you can read or if you become a member you can join in the discussion.

  • You are going to watch two video interviews with Richard Branson the owner of 'Virgin'. In the first he will talk about 'Brand' .
  • Before you listen try to remember what you know about 'Virgin' and what kind of products and services they have produced.
  • Listen to the first interview and see which of those products are mentioned and what information he gives about his ideas of the importance of 'Brand'.
  • Click here to watch the video: Branson on Business: Protecting your brand
  • Now watch this second video. Richard Branson defends some of his more unusual business decisions. Listen and make notes about:
    - What other Brands are mentioned?
    - What decisions does he defend?
    - What arguments does he use to defend the decisions?

Well I hope you enjoyed this task and learned a little about business and English from it. If you did enjoy it then try to spend some more time each day watching some more of the videos. Watching one each day will help to boost your listening skills and improve your business vocabulary.


Exercise Your Ears With Authentic Film Clips

Watching and understanding films in English can be very difficult, but Yolango is a website that makes it much easier. The site has a huge collection of clips from films and has subtitles or the script to help you understand them.

When you register you can also do some exercises to test your listening and improve your vocabulary. The site records your score and which films you watch so if you watch everyday you could soon be on the leaders scoreboard.


Watch one clip each day for few weeks and do the activities. This will really help you to

improve your listening skills and help develop your vocabulary too.
I hope you enjoy your film clip. Come back tomorrow for more EFL ESL activities.

Nik Peachey


Listen and Write The News

Listening to an audio text and writing down what you hear can be really useful for developing your listening skills. You can do this very easily using the Listen and Write website.
It's simple. You just go to the site listen to the text, then try to write what you hear.


  • For this task I've selected a suitable text for you. The text is called 'Your Reaction to the Idea of Paying Students'
  • Before you listen to the text , make some notes in English about what possible reactions people could have to this idea.
  • What are your own reactions? Do you think students should be paid to learn? Write down your reaction in English.
  • Now listen to the text by clicking the title below. Once you have listened to the complete text, listen again one sentence at a time and try to write what you hear.
  • Your Reaction to the Idea of Paying Students
  • The text is at level 11, if you find it to difficult or too easy go to this page and select another activity at a different level:

There are many other texts for you to listen to, so why not try a few more. If you register on the site you can collect your scores.
I hope you have enjoyed this listening activity. Come back tomorrow for something different.

Nik Peachey


Mp3 Voice Colloquial English by Gareth King (1-5)

Friday, January 2, 2009

Colloquial English is the ultimate solution for the learner of the English Language, especially those who wish to perfect spoken English proficiency. The book presents numerous examples in addition to language points and idioms, all exploring the many rich ways the English language can be used to communicate fine shades of meaning. Finally, the Life and Living sections of the book take the learner through real life situations narrated in vivid vocabulary. 
Read Also How To Write Bibliography

Probably the most important quality of Colloquial English is that, although basic knowledge of the language is assumed, it is very simplified and accessible to all learners - a crucial requirement for learning!
Mp3 Voice Collogual English by Gareth King (1-5)


TOEFL Practice Test - Vocabulary 3

Thursday, January 1, 2009

I got the enclosed TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) practice test from a TOEFL book.

Please send your answers for each answer to this mailing list. Unlike the structure test, you do NOT need to provide the justification/explanation for each answer. Filling out the simple table is enough

1. Correct answer is _______
2. Correct answer is _______
3. Correct answer is _______
4. Correct answer is _______
5. Correct answer is _______

Use a dictionary such as if necessary.
If you would like to learn English faster, please throw away your English to Indonesian or Indonesian to English dictionaries. Use only English to English dictionary or Thesaurus.

Do not send your answers by coloring your texts/answers or by using an attachment because our Yahoogroup will automatically delete the color or attachment. Only moderator can send an attachment/colorful text to reduce the number of computer viruses, spy wares, etc.

Many people will send their answers to this mailing list, but this mailing list is moderated and I will only approve the email from the fastest person who can give me the correct answers.


Reading UAN

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 1 sampai dengan 4
Your body needs energy, protein, minerals, vitamins, and fiber. In order to get all of these, it is important to have a varied and balanced diet, and to eat the right amount of food. Your body “burns” food to energy: the amount of energy provided by food is measured in units called calories. How many calories do you need? This depends on your weight and on what you do. When you are asleep, your body uses nearly one calorie an hour for every kilogram of weight. So a person who weights seventy kilos uses about 560 calories while sleeping for eight hours. More calories are needed for different activities –from 100 calories an hour for reading or watching TV, to 350 calories an hour for playing football.
To calculate the number of calories needed per day for an average person, first find out the person’s ideal weight. Then multiply the weight by 40 for a woman or 46 for a man. A 60 – kilo woman may need about 2400 calories a day – more if she does heavy physical work and less if she is very inactive.
(Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)

1. Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
a. To read something for an hour, a person needs 100 calories.
b. A person needs 350 calories per hour to play football.
c. Inactive persons do not need calories at all.
d. Food is burnt by the body to get energy.

2. How many calories do we need? It depends on ....
a. how old we are
b. how heavy we are
c. our weight and what we do
d. our age and our weight

3. The text mainly tells us about ....
a. energy
b. calories
c. protein
d. minerals

4. A sportman will need ... a businessman.
a. as many calories as
b. not so many calories as
c. more calories than
d. less calories than

5. “ more if she does heavy physical work and less if she is very inactive.”
The underlined word means ....
a. very active
b. quite active
c. rather active
d. not active

Bacaan untuk soal nomor 6 sampai dengan 10

Selling Newspaper for Pocket Money
Yanto lives not very far from my house. He goes to an SMP in the afternoon and in the morning he sells newspaper around our neighbourhood. His father was a government employee. He retired two years ago. Now he runs a small shop beside their house. We can buy groceries in Pak Mario’s shop. The prices are reasonable so people like to go shopping there.
Yanto can collect six to seven hundred rupiahs from selling newspaper
everyday. He spends it for his pocket money. Yanto saves some of his money in the bank.
Two months ago, during the school holiday, Yanto withdrew some money from the bank and with his family he went to visit his grandmother. Mrs. Mario’s mother was happy to see her daughter, son-in-law, and her grandchildren. They stayed for a week in Kampung Tanjung. Yanto, his sister, and his little brother enjoyed the holiday very much. They went to the rice fields, swam in the river, and learnt some Javanese songs from the village children. Yanto promised himself to come again the following year.

(Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)

6. Who is Yanto?
a. My neighbour.
b. Mr. Mario’s son.
c. Mr. Mario’s grandson.
d. A government employee.

7. What is the main idea of paragraph two?
a. Yanto cashed his saving in the bank two months ago.
b. Yanto can save money from selling newspaper.
c. Mrs. Mario’s mother is Yanto’s grandmother.
d. Yanto spends a lot of money for his pocket money.

8. Mr. Mario has ... children.
a. one
b. two
c. three
d. four

9. Yanto’s grandmother is probably living ....
a. not far from Yanto’s house
b. at the same “Kampung” as Yanto’s
c. in the city
d. in a village

10. “The prices are reasonable so people like to go shopping there.” (paragraph 1)
The word ‘there’ refers to ....
a. a small house
b. Mr. Mario’s shop
c. the grocery store
d. the market


Grammar Exercise in UAN

Below are some grammar questions adopted from UAN (Ujian Akhir Nasional) for Junior High School. Try working on them and give justification to each of your answers as well you possibly can. Send your answers to me directly and I’ll try to get back to you along with responses as soon as possible.

Grammar UAN
1. Ani : Can you take my umbrella, please?
Budi : There are four umbrellas here. … is yours?
Ani : The black one, please.
c.What sort

( Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)
2. Adi : Have you ever been to “ujung kulon” national park?
Oga : I haven’t. And you?
Adi :___________
a. So have I
b. Neither have I
c. I have too
d. I have either
( Soal UAN 2001/2002)

3. Amri : Excuse me, please. I’m looking for my bag
Pak harun : Is this one yours?
Amri : No, mine’s…….of all
Pak Harun: what about this one?
Amri : No. That’d over there. The one with the lock on it.
a. big
b. bigger
c. the biggest
d. small
( Soal UAN 2000/2001 rayon D)

4. Mrs. Yanto : What about our new uniform? Are you going to sew it yourself?
Mrs. Fakih : No, I’m not. I ... to the dressmaker next Sunday.
a. go
b. went
c. have gone
d. will go
( Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)

5. Ardiyono : Have you got any plans for us on Sunday morning, Agus?
Agus : Yes, we ... to the Safari Park next Sunday.
Ardiyono : Oh, it’s great!
a. go
b. went
c. were going
d. are going to go
( Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)

6. Tourist A : Jakarta is a lovely city, ...
Tourist B : Well, but I prefer Yogyakarta.
a. is it?
b. does it?
c. isn’t it?
d. doesn’t it?
( Soal UAN 2002/2003 rayon D)

7. Anto : Indonesia has to import rice next year.
Mike : How come? Indonesia is an agricultural country.
Anto : There are some reasons for that.
Mike : Like what?
Anto : The harvest failed ... natural disasters occured.
a. although
b. because
c. but
d. and
( Soal UAN 2003/2004 rayon C)

8. Koko : I think I won’t borrow this magazine
Cery : But why?
Koko : ... of the articles is interesting.
Cery : Oh yeah? But I like the short story in it.
a. Some
b. All
c. Both
d. None
( Soal UAN 2003/2004 rayon C)

(1)It is different from that jasmine. Look at that jasmine.
(2) But you must be careful. There are thorns on the stem.
(3) These roses are beautiful.
(4) Besides the smell is nice.
(5) It is beautiful, and there are no thorns.
The best arrangement to be a good paragraph is ....
a. 3 – 1 – 2 – 5 – 4
b. 3 – 5 – 4 – 2 – 1
c. 3 – 2 – 1 – 4 – 5
d. 3 – 2 – 1 – 5 – 4
( Soal UAN 2003/2004 rayon C)
10. Study these sentences!
1. Radio gives us information.
2. Radio gives us pleasure.
These two sentences can be combined as ....
a. Radio gives us not only information but also pleasure
b. Radio gives us only information or pleasure
c. Radio not only gives us both information and pleasure
d. Radio gives us information only, not pleasure

( Soal UAN 2003/2004 rayon C)


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